SBBC introduces Gradebook 3.0

Originally posted on September 11th, 2015

With public hatred growing from the School Board of Broward County’s decision to switch away from the original Pinnacle Gradebook to a new Microsoft based internet Gradebook, SBBC announced today that they will introduce a THIRD internet gradebook to replace the faulty current one.
Superindentent of SBBC states that “We believe that we’ve made mistakes in the past, but we are more excited to introduce an ever bigger mistake!”

With the application of the new gradebook, this will implement a whole new, even longer, log-in mainframe that students are already pissed off at. Parker Thomas, a junior at Douglas, complains that “Viewing my shitty grades was already a pain in the ass, but at least my mom can’t do it anymore”.

In order to log in you must type in a new Broward school email, your social security number, blood type, your favorite aquatic mammal and your least favorite One Direction member. Mr. Jacobs, an english teacher at Douglas argues that “Most students can’t even spell “Broward” correctly when logging in”.

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